What Chakra Colors, Sounds, Vibrations, & Energy mean and how they can lead to good health & Healing

What Chakra Colors, Sounds, Vibrations, & Energy mean and how they can lead to good health & Healing There are seven important chakras in your body and each chakra is associated with a particular colour.  These colours can reveal the positive and negative characteristics of the chakra so that…

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What Chakra Colors, Sounds, Vibrations, & Energy mean and how they can lead to good health & Healing
What Chakra Colors, Sounds, Vibrations, & Energy mean and how they can lead to good health & Healing

How to energize your chakras and connect them to heal your mind and body

How to energize your chakras and connect them to heal your mind and body In order to find true peace of mind and body, it is necessary to cleanse, energize and connect your chakras which would greatly help in curing many health and psychological problems encountered in your daily…

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How to energize your chakras and connect them to heal your mind and body
How to energize your chakras and connect them to heal your mind and body

Basic Introduction to the 7 Chakras and their energy system

Basic Introduction to the 7 Chakras and their energy system Although there are many religious groups around the world that have been working with the Chakra energy centres since the ancient times, The Chakra terminology used today is the brainchild of the Hindus. The word “Chakra” means “wheel” in…

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Basic Introduction to the 7 Chakras and their energy system
Basic Introduction to the 7 Chakras and their energy system