Power Of The Mind Over The Body Visualization For Healing Or To Lose Weight
Power Of The Mind Over The Body Visualization For Healing Or To Lose Weight

Power of the mind over the body, Visualization for healing or to lose weight

  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post category:Mind Power

Power of the mind over the body, Visualization for healing or to lose weight

Do you know who you are? Are you used to thinking of yourself as someone capable of undertaking any job and doing it well or do you always have negative thoughts imagining you’re are useless and not capable of doing anything worthwhile? Whatever has happened to you during your life sets the stage for your thoughts and action.  By thinking of yourself as a failure you let your body down by not letting it do what should be done whereas visualizing yourself in a positive frame of mind helps your body to get the message that you’re up and ready to go. This is how the power of the mind works over the power of the body. In the same way, you feel sick when you’re worried; but ready for anything when you’re happy, is a good indication of how our minds work in a different situation.
Visualizing positive images helps you to move your beliefs in a specific direction. For example, if you want to lose weight, you have to visualize yourself as a slim, shapely individual and keep on affirming this to yourself. It will not work overnight, but if you keep on working at it for a considerable period of time your subconscious mind begins to accept it until what is imagined becomes reality. This is how you harness the power of the mind to overcome your body in order to make the changes you want to. Now don’t think that visualization only can create all the changes you want. If that’s the case, there won’t be any obese people or unhealthy individuals. It is, however, possible to raise yourself to a different level by strengthening your mind and body which are inextricably interwoven, to make it easier to achieve whatever you wish in life.
The first thing that must be done when using the power of your mind for the purpose of healing or losing weight or anything you wish to,  is to have a definite object or purpose in your mind. You shouldn’t simply say to yourself “I want to lose weight” it should be more like “I want a flat stomach” or I want to get rid of the pain in my arm” being specific makes it easier to visualize the objective than generalizing it. Once that is done, visualize yourself the way you want to look, slim and glamorous or relieved of your pain and happy.
Set a time and place for your daily visualization. Clear your mind of everything else and think only of your target of getting a flat stomach. Imagine yourself in a bikini running across the beach while everyone is admiring you. You can really go to town imagining what’ll happen thereafter or anything that will keep feeding you positive thoughts. Make sure to believe in yourself and don’t let negative thoughts enter your mind such as “this is useless, I’ll never become thin” etc. because this would be counterproductive to what you’re trying to achieve. If you can make this a part of your meditation, so much the better because it will then give you a chance to focus on something tangible and direct positive energies to your goals to ultimately achieve what you really want.