Invoke and Banish the Pentagrams of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, & Spirit


Invoke and Banish the Pentagrams of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, & Spirit. Printable grimoire page for your book of shadows. Digital Download JPG PDF



Invoke and banish the pentagrams. Draw the pentagram for protection.

Digital printout to invoke and banish the pentagrams of earth, air, fire, water, and spirit.

When summoning the cardinal directions, you need to invoke and banish the pentagram for each individual direction. Each direction has its own starting point on the star and is drawn in its own direction.

Learn where to start and finish when invoking and banishing the pentagrams whilst summoning the elements in elemental magick.

The pentagrams have a number next to each point, letting you know where to start, and an arrow to guide you in the right direction to draw out the pentagram.

Invoke & Banish The Pentagram – PDF Download

Page 1 – Pentagrams in full colour on a vintage background
Page 2 – Pentagrams in black and shades of grey on a white background (printer-friendly version)

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Personal non-commercial use.


300 DPI, High-Resolution


8.5 x 11 inches